
LitNYS Talks to Founding Director Debora Ott about Advancement Regrants
The 2024 LitNYS Advancement Regrant Guidelines & Application were just released in December with deadline of April 8, 2024. This month we caught up with LitNYS Founding Director Debora Ott to talk about the Regrants, and to provide some tips for putting forward a strong application.

LitNYS Talks to Poet Patricia Spears Jones
This month former LitNYS Communications Fellow, Sabrina Alli, and LitNYS Founding Director Debora Ott spoke with New York State's Poet Laureate Patricia Spears Jones. Jones shared the vivid landscape and stories of a past and present New York that made her the poet she is today.

Asari Beale of Teachers & Writers
“What we bring into the classrooms is this safe space where students can process their thoughts and feelings, where they can play, and have a moment of freedom and joy into their school day.”

Alison Meyers of Writers & Books
“Board members are your most valuable volunteers, your thought partners.”

Focus on Fellowships: Cathy Linh Che of Kundiman
"I think it's really difficult in many ways to hang on to art as a value when we live in such a brutally capitalist society that does not value the arts the way that it should, and it does not redistribute funding in a way that really should honor artists.”

Focus on Fellowships: Noah Falck of Just Buffalo
“We want to change the narrative of what Buffalo is to a lot of people.”

Meet the Fellow: Teline Trần of Wendy's Subway
“Having a fresh viewpoint in an organization is important, and you can’t find that by not opening it up to more people.”

Focus on Fellowships: Brigid Hughes of A Public Space
"If someone is joining A Public Space, we want them to be connected to the history of the magazine, the philosophy and vision for editing.”

Focus on Fellowships: Cornelius Eady on the Collective Cave Canem
"The one constant through all of this is: Why do we publish at all?”

LitNYS Mentoring Program: Bruce Morrow on Fundraising
“There are all these different ways that you need to look at your literary arts program and align it with funders, so you can get support.”