LitNYS Talks to Founding Director Debora Ott about Advancement Regrants
“What began as two awards totaling $15,000 in 2013, grew to $95,000 and 17 awards by 2023. This year, we will award $95,000 as well for projects beginning no earlier than July 2024. Over half-a-million dollars has been awarded in regrants since the program’s inception, helping to increase funding equity for literary organizations throughout New York State. We encourage all eligible organizations to apply!”
The 2024 LitNYS Advancement Regrant Guidelines & Application were just released in December with deadline of April 8, 2024. This month we caught up with LitNYS Founding Director Debora Ott to talk about the Regrants, and to provide some tips for putting forward a strong application.
Debora Ott
LitNYS: You founded LitNYS (previously called LitTAP) in 2001 as an initiative of the New York State Council on the Arts’ Literature Program. Today, LitNYS includes three main components: Advancement Regrants, Mentoring, and an Annual Convening. When did the Advancement Regrant component of LitNYS begin? What was the thinking behind starting it?
DO: You can chart the evolution and growth of the regrant program from its inception in 2013 by looking at the “Advancement Regrant Awards through 2023” resource sheet below. As to the thinking behind starting it ...
Money can’t buy you love. It can’t buy you happiness, doesn’t grow on trees, and may be the root of all evil. Time is money and money buys time. And, sure, while you can throw money at something or put your money where your mouth is, tossing and talking don’t remedy an organization’s problems. Time and resource management do. And after careful assessment, an infusion of money for a discrete intervention helps bounce an organization into better alignment with its people, purpose, and the communities it serves. This was the motivation behind creating the Advancement Program.
LitNYS: How has the program grown and developed? How much support has been provided to Literary organizations through the Advancement Regrant program since it started?
DO: What began as two awards totaling $15,000 in 2013, grew to $95,000 and 17 awards by 2023. This year, we will award $95,000 as well for projects beginning no earlier than July 2024. Over half-a-million dollars has been awarded in regrants since the program’s inception, helping to increase funding equity for literary organizations throughout New York State. We encourage all eligible organizations to apply!
LitNYS: What kinds of projects have been made possible by these grants?
DO: Seed money gets things growing. Investments in archiving, strategic planning, program development and impact, and staff and board development help keep an organization relevant and strong. Website re-design, and purchases of hardware, software, and upgrades create efficiencies that streamline operations. All these capacity building interventions and more help build an organization’s ability to serve its mission and are eligible for 2024 LitNYS Advancement Regrants.
LitNYS: What is the significance of the Advancement Regrant program for Literary organizations in New York State?
DO: We know that the arts discipline of Literature has been historically underfunded. Regrants provide direct funding for discrete needs not normally addressed by conventional funding. Advancement Regrants allow organizations to self-assess and define their needs. They are not intended for ongoing expenses such as salaries and overhead or projects currently supported by NYSCA. Created by the field for the field, applications are evaluated by a panel of three literary peers. Projects must be completed within 12 months. Award notification is June 2024.
LitNYS: What tips do you have for an organization that wants to put forward a strong application?
Part of my commitment to this program involves providing consultation to any organization that requests it as they think through submitting a proposal. Reach out!
Make sure your organization is eligible to apply. It must primarily be a Literary Arts organization that receives funding from the New York State Council on the Arts. Awardees must wait a year before re-applying.
Project timelines must be detailed and begin no sooner than July 1, since Advancement Regrants do not fund projects retroactively.
If you are requesting seed money for a new or expanded project or position, demonstrate how they will be maintained by other funding over time, since Advancement Regrants are singular opportunities, and not intended for ongoing expenses.
Demonstrate that your project request is the result of careful needs assessment and vetted by your board.
Financial information provided on the Cover Sheet of the application must agree with that in your Organizational and Project budgets.
Ensure that staff, interns, fellows, writers, and consultants are paid at industry standards.
Include an assessment of your project outcomes.
Please consider applying for an Advancement Regrant this year and know we are here to help along the way if needed.
With warmest wishes for a New Year filled with joy, prosperity, equity, and bliss.
~ Debora